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See what my client's have to say...

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Joan is a guiding light. She has a rare gift to help people understand how to move forward on their path. She has helped me take leaps and bounds in my life, all without directly telling me what my way forward is. That's her gift. She made me realize things on my own in a way that wasn’t forced. It’s like I was looking at life with dirty glasses and Joan helped me clean them. It was all there, I just needed help seeing it. Joan has been a catalyst for positive change in my life and words cannot express how grateful I am for her.

- YW, St. Petersburg, FL

I had the great privilege of working with Joan during a major transition in my life. From day one, I felt that I had a champion in my corner: someone who could see my strengths and help me craft a bold vision for my new venture. Her insightful coaching enabled me to identify blockages and break through to freedom! When I found myself lost in the maze of complicated situations, she lifted me up to see them from a fresh perspective, encouraging me to hold fast to the things I valued, and let go of what no longer served my vision.


Joan brought a strong, committed, and compassionate presence to each of our sessions. I could tell that she had thought deeply about our conversations and what would be most useful to me in my process. She has a gift for seeing to the heart of the matter, and calling you out into your highest potential with the perfect combination of respect, challenge, and enthusiasm. I am stepping into my new life with great confidence thanks to her skillful coaching. I highly recommend her!

- JM, Shelter Island, NY

My journey with Joan as my coach has been absolutely life-changing. I initially sought her guidance with the vague goal of boosting my confidence, but little did I know just how profound the transformation would be.

Joan equipped me with the tools to break free from fear, insecurity, and hesitation, paving the way for genuine confidence to take their place. This shift has not only reshaped my perspective on the future, relationships, dreams, and even my personal style, but it has also allowed me to embrace my true self with newfound assurance. What truly sets Joan apart is her unwavering care, patience, and non-judgmental approach. Her ability to listen, validate, and help me uncover my own faulty thinking has been instrumental in this remarkable journey. If you're considering Joan as your coach, I wholeheartedly encourage you to take the leap – she's truly extraordinary at what she does, and she has the power to help you become more comfortable with your authentic self. Joan's coaching has been a game-changer in my life, and I'm incredibly grateful for the positive impact she's had on my journey of self-discovery and growth.

- RF, Bismarck, ND

How can I put into words how amazing working with Joan has been? Joan is incredibly astute, attentive, and kind. Over the course of 12 sessions, Joan coached me through some pretty challenging life decisions. She always showed up with her genuine interest and concern for my well-being. That in itself was very healing, and set the stage for deep exploration in a non-judgmental space. Don’t get me wrong, Joan will make you work, in the best way possible. She challenged me to be the best version of myself, to be my authentic self, and to honor what I wanted. She helped me see my blind spots and held me accountable to my word. As a coach, Joan is incredibly skilled at what she does and I would highly recommend her. Most importantly, I got results and it was one of the best investments I could have made.

- KG, New York City, NY

Joan proved to be an excellent coach and mentor, and beyond that, a compassionate individual who would truly put her client’s needs first. Specifically, I came to Joan in a period of overwhelming transition with the idea that I needed to set a formal plan for the future and would most benefit from the services of a life coach or job coach to do so. However, working my way through some difficult introspection with Joan’s focused and compassionate support, I was able to realize that my past needed more attention than my future, and Joan invited me to seek other counseling options that would help me more specifically address this past trauma. Because I ultimately required a different kind of service, we ended our sessions, but I am extremely grateful for her compassionate listening and reflection as it helped me to take steps onwards into doing a different kind of “personal work". After our sessions, I reflected on what I had learned about myself and then took action to make some specific life changes, including changing my living situation, which has since brought me much greater stability and peace as I continue to work on making personal progress.


Because of the trust and appreciation I had for Joan through the working relationship we established, I was able to acknowledge some personal truths and eventually address some of the major personal/psychological hindrances that have actually been underpinning many of my adult decisions and behavior patterns. In my experience, Joan has been a genuine confidant, a gentle wake-up call, and a motivator for me to make progress in the best direction for me. I would absolutely recommend Joan to anyone seeking to better align themselves, set an optimal course for their own future, or gain self-knowledge and personal insight.

- JA, Maryland

I feel like God must have put Joan Conway into my life for a higher reason. She has been an angel on Earth to me, in so many ways. I have cried to her, laughed with her, and she has always been there, making me feel embraced with love and has helped me find the confidence I need to keep going forward. I owe so much of my success to the coaching I have received from Joan Conway.

- KC, Los Angeles, CA

Joan is an amazing transition coach who knows how to gently tap into your areas of need and peel out the necessary parts. She is kind, informative and brilliant. She gently helps you see what you need to learn to get to your better place. If you want an intuitive, bright, knowledgeable, sincere, and helpful coach, go to Joan! I recommend Joan 100%!

- ELB, Upper Saddle River, NJ

When I first thought of talking with Joan, my life was what I figured to be a complete disaster. In short, my faith, family, and friends had been pushed to the side for the sake of making a pretty penny. I was inspired to reach out to Joan on my sister’s recommendation and we began working together. At the very beginning, I wrote down all the dreams I had for the future as a result of our working together. Looking back now, I can’t believe the 180 my life has made! I have not only recovered my faith but strengthened it, I have seamlessly repaired familial relationships that had been completely devastated, I have made more amazing friends than I thought could exist in one person’s life, and I have reawakened to the beauty of living! Every one of the dreams I had for my life at the beginning of coaching has been realized! Joan was amazing in listening to me, challenging me to see things differently, and always cheering me on to reach a little further within. She doesn’t just know what it takes to be an excellent coach, she IS an excellent coach! I think an experience with her is 11/10 amazing!

- LF, Bismarck, ND

Joan is an exceptional life coach who redefines the standards in her field. She's incredibly sociable, non-judgmental, and easy to talk to, making her an ideal choice for anyone seeking support. Joan's professionalism and unwavering commitment to helping her clients shine even in their darkest moments set her apart. Her extensive knowledge in the field is undeniable, and her genuine desire to assist others makes her unparalleled as a life coach. Joan's influence is transformative, helping individuals realize their potential and guiding them toward their inner light. Her invaluable service is worth every penny, and she leaves a lasting impact. In short, Joan's selfless nature, work ethic, and unique ability to see the potential in others make her one of the best life coaches you'll ever meet. Don't hesitate to work with her for an unforgettable and rewarding experience.

- JG, Post Falls, ID

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